Team Members: Abigail Ayers, Sana Behnam asl, and Sarah Baker. 
Roles: Unity development (asset compilation, interaction prototyping, lighting, building), supporting asset creation (environment modeling/texturing).

Created for Oculus Quest using Unity3D, Maya 2018, and Substance Painter.

Project Description

A group project for ACCAD 7103 with Shadrick Addy, PollockVR was developed as an example of a VR House Museum. House museums, in real life, provide a way to preserve the space and belongings of a specific person, time period, or aesthetic. VR pushes this concept a step further, allowing users to manipulate artifacts and virtually navigate spaces that may be on the other side of the world.

We chose Jackson Pollock to create a Hero House, the residence of a person whose achievements have been acknowledged on a wide scale. By re-creating his studio (currently located in New York), our goal was to create a space within which the user can experience a location typically difficult to access and gain information in a variety of formats about Pollock’s life through interacting with the space. As many of Pollock’s paintings are spread out over the globe, we included key pieces from his life for users to see in their actual scale.


First test video of motion capture and particles, recorded on the Quest on Sept. 3, 2019.

Motion capture session for introduction to PollockVR. Taylor Olsen imitation Pollock’s drip painting style onto a canvas.